Precision and speed with DeBulCo’s new vertical milling center

The DMG MORI CMX1100V vertical milling center is the latest generation of the German manufacturer’s CMX V series metal cutting machine. The machine allows for a 4-sided processing of the details with high precision. The maximum movement along the axes is X=1100 mm, Y=560 mm, Z=510 mm. The maximum length of the workpiece is 1400 mm. A rigid C-frame concept ensures the highest stability and perfect ergonomics of the construction. The machine is equipped with a movable table along the X axis. This large table, sizing 1400 x 560 mm, offers a wide working space for the processing of details up to 1000 kg. The Y axis has the largest stroke in its class and is extremely hard throughout the entire range of motion, thus ensuring maximum precision. The direct measurement system achieves a positioning accuracy of 6 µm in all axes. DMG MORI CMX1100V is equipped with a high-tech 3D control and management system, an automatic measuring system with a touch probe kit, a magazine for 30 tools, etc.
The inlineMASTER spindle, the heart of the machine, was developed and manufactured by DMG MORI. The orientation of the spindle is vertical to the worktable surface. The spindle features better cutting performance due to 53% more power and 45% more torque. The BIG PLUS® interface guarantees a longer service life of the instrument. An innovative 20 bar system has been implemented for cooling through the spindle. Thermal compensation provides stability and maximum quality during the production processes.
The manufacturer, DMG MORI, has integrated intelligent functions – the machine is equipped with an IoT connector for digitized and connected production processes. The following digital solutions are installed: NETservice – direct remote link to DMG MORI Service, Messenger – real-time monitoring of connected machines and devices, including integrated security network with automatic updates.
Advantages of the milling machine
Precision and speed
The precision and speed of manufacturer’s facilities are leading factors in the production of parts. Important trends in machining centers include the increasing degree of process automation and the expanded application of multi-axis and high-speed processing. The possibility of using different tools, their automatic change during the processing of details and the precise control of all axes play a crucial role in the complex, accurate and fast machining of various details. DeBulCo’s DMG MORI CMX1100V milling machine is designed for precision machining of details, including hulls and welded chassis. There will be a synergistic effect as a result of the additional load in the company’s other production facilities for the processing of sheet material, pipe structures, welding, grinding and powder coating. The goal here is to have a production of even more elaborate and complex details, as well as fast deliveries of high-quality products to our customers.
High quality
The significantly increased rigidity and the improved cutting ability of the spindle contribute to the achievement of high quality output. Workpieces are processed with the help of the best technologies and software solutions, which is related not only to speed and precision, but also to the high quality of the components.
High productivity
The CNC machines are distinguished not only by their high precision, but also by high productivity for serial and automated production. DeBulCo’s investment in the new vertical milling center is beneficial in terms of increasing productivity and improving the efficiency in the manufacturing of metal products.
Nowadays, the biggest challenge faced by most companies is to constantly reduce production costs in order to remain competitive in the market. Therefore, some of the positive effects resulting from the introduction of DMG MORI CMX1100V vertical milling center in machining include the more efficient use of resources, the reduction of material losses and the optimization of operating costs. The milling cutter consumes 30% less energy.
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