Project: Improving the production capacity of DeBulCo OOD

Since 23.12.2015 DeBulCo OOD has started the implementation of an agreement grant BG16RFOP002-2.001-0264-C01. The project Improving the production capacity of DeBulCo OOD is financed by the Operational Program Innovation and Competitiveness 2014-2020 (OPIC). The value of the project is BGN 1,166,160.00 and the total amount of 35.09% grant BGN 409,196.00. Accordingly, the amount of EU co-financing of the project amounts to BGN 347,816.60 and the national co-financing – BGN 61,379.40. The project of the company is aimed at increasing production capacity and enhancing the export potential of DeBulCo OOD, through investments in fixed assets with which to optimize the production processes, to improve the quality of the existing production and resource effectiveness and efficiency of the production process. Among the expected results of the project are: improving the quality of existing products; increasing the production capacity resulting from the capacity enlargment of the two business objects of the company; growth in sales revenues; increasing the market share and increasing revenues from export; reducing of the production waste; reducing the amount of waste and others.